In communities across the country, the pflag Canada network provides peer support, education and advocacy for a Canada that affirms, respects and values all sexualities, genders and gender expressions. |
Dans les communautés à travers le pays, le réseau pflag Canada offre du soutien par les pairs, de l'éducation et de la défense d'un Canada qui affirme, respecte et valorise toutes les sexualités, tous les genres et toutes les expressions de genre. |
pflag Canada is a national charitable organization, founded by parents who wished to help themselves and their family members understand and accept their non-heterosexual children. The "coming-out" process can be a critical time for families. When the adjustment period is particularly long or painful, relationships can become permanently damaged, resulting in a lifetime of emotional scars. People cannot always rise above the challenge of accepting themselves or their family member, and the results can be devastating, even fatal. We support these families through today, and give them hope for a better tomorrow.
The Vancouver chapter of pflag has a rich history that extends back as far as the early 1980s, one of the oldest chapters in Canada. Norma Houghton established the first 'Parents and Friends of Gays', (then known as PFOG), in the Vancouver area. Footage from the Vancouver Pride March in August 1981 shows PFOG as one of the contingent groups. Around 1989, parents Gertrude and Stan continued our chapter's tradition under the name PFLAG, a name that had become well established in the United States. The Vancouver chapter of pflag became a part of the newly formed pflag Canada network in 2004, and continues the tradition of supporting family members, friends and allies of the LGBTQ+ community.